President Obama makes a strong, public call for a yes vote on ACES
President Obama made quite favorable comments about the Waxman-Markey American Clean Energy and Security Act at the opening of his press conference. (And, of course, no journalist thought this issue...
View ArticleACES Opposition based on Deception … the Putnam example
While there are quite serious issues to consider in how ACES was weakened leading to its passage yesterday and serious issues about whether this is the bill that is required, the vast majority of the...
View ArticleCarl Pope on Progressives and ACES final days in the House
Friday, Sam Stein and Ryan Grim wrote on Huffington Post about the politics of the Waxman-Markey American Clean Energy and Security (ACES) Act. They quoted Sierra Club head Carl Pope stating that...
View ArticleReality leaving Waxman-Markey in the dust …
The Waxman-Markety American Clean Energy and Security (ACES) targets for renewable energy and climate emissions reductions are, to put it simply, far from what they should be. And, let’s put aside...
View Article“Will the Senate save the Clean Air Act?”
That is the question that many Americans will see opening their newspapers tomorrow as a nationwide advertising effort begins to let Americans know that the American Clean Energy and Security (ACES)...
View ArticleJohn Stewart and The Congressional Process: the Cap & Trade example
Referred to as ‘sausage making’, the legislative process isn’t pretty (despite those beautiful Rose Garden signing sessions). And, too often, the result from the legislative process isn’t pretty. And,...
View ArticlePerpetuating Naked Fraud in Black Face
For far too long and far too extensively, various industries have used astroturfing methods to distort public debate. They create false groups. They fund “institutions” with impressive sounding names...
View ArticleBlogging about WashPost OPED Editing: Inane or Insane?
In Sunday’s Washington Post, yet another inane, deceptive, truthiness laden OPED appears on energy issues. Not satisfied with publishing George Will’s Will-ful Deceit, Krauthammer’s fact-free forays...
View ArticleMaking ASSes of U and ME: SAIC/NAM/ACCF GIGO strikes again …
Last year, National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) and that American Council for Capital Formation (ACCF) made noise with a report written by SAIC showing that the Lieberman-Warner Coal Subsidy...
View ArticleAnti-Science Syndrome suffering Republican Party of Virginia
The Republican Party of Virginia (RPV) (or, perhaps, simply staff) has embraced anti-science syndrome with a fervor that should astound anyone with the slightest regard for the scientific method and...
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